A new blog? Already? YUP!
Wow, I’m so blown away by the response to my first blog, posted just last night! According to the lil stats counter, as of now that post has been “viewed” 71 times (okay, about 12 of those were me making endless changes), but STILL, wow! Thank you!
But *this* second post isn’t just for me to gush about all of you. It’s also to say that I will be LIVE and on air TONIGHT on a fabulous show called Graphic Ear. In their own words, this is what Graphic Ear, with deli kitten Beckett Wood, is all about: “Each week, we welcome a visual artist into the studio. We chat about whatever's on their mind & play the music they love.”
I was asked to be a guest because the fine folks at WAYO picked my proposal for a bumper sticker design for their 2023 fundraiser. Woohoo! So we’ll talk about that design process and lots of other neat things.

My bumper sticker design, floating in space.
Listen up!